About Us
About Us
Workhubs Network CIC is a community interest company, a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to running coworking spaces and helping others to do so.
We run this website to offer our expert delivery and consultancy services to people who want to take the same path as us.
All members of our team have experience in setting up, managing and working in workhubs.
Our Director Tim Dwelly was one of the UK’s early coworking pioneers, first setting up a workhub in 1999. He has worked with Government to promote the sector since its early days. See the national report he wrote for Whitehall in 2010. This was well ahead of its time, tracking for example the way that shared coworking spaces can reduce carbon by having many people use one single building. Tim is widely regarded as one of the UK’s top experts in this field.
Our team also includes Janet Ross, who was manager of both Digital Peninsula Network and the Workbox in Penzance Cornwall. Janet has worked closely with Tim on research and advice services for many clients.
Paul Bishop is our trusted internal design expert. He is a renowned commercial and retail space designer with Display Set Ltd. Paul can help create coworking environments and build bespoke units such as ‘zoom booths’.
Nigel Pengelly is the current front of house for Workbox Penzance. There he runs his own design and marketing business the Media Runner and combines this with welcoming members and temporary visitors to the coworking space. He has over ten years’ experience collaborating with typical coworkers and knows their needs inside out.
Nat Dwelly has been our intern content creator, locating and listing several coworking spaces around the UK on our previous workhubs.com website. He keeps us up to date on the needs of the younger coworking community. He lives in East London.
Coworking space facilities typically include drop in or fixed desks, formal and informal meeting spaces, high speed fibre connections and professional equipment (eg A3 scanner copiers) that people can’t usually afford at home. Many also now offer booths where users can have more private online meetings.
Joining a workhub (which is simply another word for coworking space) gives members professional facilities they can use when it suits them. Like gym members, they come when it suits them and they all share facilities.
Unlike working from home, a workhub offers a professional front for your business, vital if you’re a small or start-up enterprise. You can meet clients there, use it for a registered address, and have friendly, professional staff handle visitors and post. Increasingly since Covid, remote employees use these spaces rather than always being isolated working from home, where there may be family distractions, pets etc.
Coworking spaces also offer a secret extra ingredient: collaboration. They provide a relaxed working environment that facilitates informal networking. But there’s no hard sell and no awkward business breakfasts. You’ll find that exchanging ideas, advice and services comes naturally and, crucially, a workhub offers an antidote to isolation.
Workhubs Network CIC has years of experience helping other people set up workhubs, and we also operate two successful ones ourselves:
We run one in Penzance and one in Truro.
We are UK experts in setting up new successful coworking spaces
And that's not all
One Aim: make workhubs work
Our favourite spaces
Here’s a selection of coworking spaces that we really like. If you want yours listed here please get in touch!
Who We are

Bish Bishop
Bish Bishop

Janet Ross
Janet Ross

Nat Dwelly
Nat Dwelly

Nigel Pengelly
Nigel Pengelly

Tim Dwelly
Tim Dwelly
Tim’s coworking blog
Our Director Tim Dwelly’s thoughts on the world of coworking in the UK
“We are not a library”. That’s what we tell nervous potential members or visitors asking...
In previous studies we carried out for our clients wanting to set up a coworking...
It is not just the impact of Covid and Teams/Zoom that is driving the trend...