Homeworking is not actually flexible enough.

Workhubs (or coworking spaces – call them either!) do not aim to stop their users working from home much of the time. They enable them


Workhubs (or coworking spaces – call them either!) do not aim to stop their users working from home much of the time. They enable them to do so more effectively. This makes workhubs very different from serviced office, business centre and innovation centre environments which (in the traditional business growth model) are a step up and away from homeworking towards staff-and-office-based growth.

Workhubs can make homeworking staff and businesses more effective by offering:

  • a social alternative to daily isolation
  • a professional place to meet clients
  • a professional business address
  • face-to-face collaboration/networking
  • shared and therefore cheaper high-end equipment and ultrafast broadband

By plugging these services into the gaps in the homeworking model, homeworkers can get the best of both worlds and do so cheaply. The contrast to paying for and travelling daily to an isolated small office is stark.

In our experience, we often find potential new members slightly reluctant to give up their familiar use of the home. They seem very relieved when we point out that most Workbox members also work from home. They come in when they want to, 24/7.

Often that will be when their homes are too busy (eg school holidays!), or they need better facilities or they just fancy being among people. Coworking should not be seen or sold as something you must do every day 9-5. It’s all about flexibility. Just like you would buy things sometimes online or sometimes in person in a shop, this is a daily ongoing choice. People like choice. And, by and large, not that many people want a rigid daily commute at busy hours. A nearby coworking space in the town or neighbourhood where you live many be a very attractive proposition compared to a stressful drive or train/bus journey to the office – or to staring out the kitchen window at home looking at the rain and feeling somewhat lonely.

Coworking gives workers the best of both worlds. And it’s way cheaper than having to pay for your own office or a daily commute to work.

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